The DEVILS project ‘DEvelopment of VHBR engines Innovative Lubrication System’ is part of the Clean Sky 2 Program. The aim of the project is to develop a variable flow rate pump for the oil lubrication system of VHBR engines. The DEVILS project has to fulfill four goals.

  • Development of a model based systems engineering (MBSE) tool to aid the evaluation and selection of candidate VHBR system architectures.
  • Development of methods and techniques required to achieve variable flows that will allow oil feed and scavenge systems to be optimized around the flight envelope.
  • Demonstration of a variable flow intelligent oil system and advanced control scheme showing how operation can be optimized across a range of simulated flight conditions.
  • Research into autonomous fault detection and correction for future Oil Systems.

Funding Programme

Clean Sky 2


Start: Feb 1, 2017 -

End: May 31, 2021


Project Leader

Rolls Royce
