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Advanced Virtual Adaptive Technologies e-hEAlth

The Avatea project aims to create an adjustable seat combined with an interactive visual interface to carry out exercises for habilitation and rehabilitation purposes.

The project moves from an idea linked to the creation of an "adjustable seat combined with an interactive visual interface to carry out exercises for habilitation and rehabilitation purposes". This device to support neuromotor rehabilitation bases its elements of value in the configurability of the system for welcoming patients who can carry out exercises from sitting to standing positions, depending on their needs and starting conditions. As part of the AVATEA project, the intention is to extend the functional and scalable configuration framework of the device, expanding the number and type of sensors and intervening, with the addition of actuators, with the aim of creating a complete rehabilitation support system , highly immersive and responsive, capable of mechanically configuring itself to support specific therapeutic sessions for various levels of deficit, even serious ones, to support the treatment process of all cases that fall within the scope of DCD (Developmental Coordination Disorder) .

Funding Programme



Start: Nov 5, 2018

End: Nov 30, 2020


Project Leader






In terms of functional description, the system will be composed of a mechatronic part, intended to accommodate the patient which can be configured as an exoskeleton with a low degree of anthropomorphisation, adapting its physical characteristics to the best reception set up; the same will offer, when deemed necessary for the sessions, supports and mechanical stimuli for the correct posture of the trunk, upper and lower limbs, also in a dynamic way (e.g. correct foot positioning when starting the step).
Integrated into the mechatronic system is a vast system of sensors for the detection of dynamic signals (signals relating to the torque or force exerted by the subject on various joints of the device or at one of its terminal points, kinematic signals relating to positions, orientations, speeds and accelerations of particular segments or joints of the device or limb and finally to trigger signals linked to the start of a specific action.

Il Partenariato

