ITEMB (InTEgrated Main landing gear Box) Project is part of the Large Passenger Aircraft (LPA) Program area of Clean Sky 2 and it’s linked with “Next Generation Lower Center Fuselage” LPA activities, whose Topic Manager is Airbus. The Next Generation Lower Center activities aim to develop a new generation of Lower Center Fuselage with an innovative concept of Landing Gear fully integrated into the fuselage body. This concept is considered the next frontier in the development of the Landing Gear System for Medium Range Aircraft family like Airbus A320. In order to contribute to achieve this goal, the ITEMB Consortium is going to provide a suitable structural configuration of the landing gear bay...
Currently, the typical medium range aircraft configuration, like A320, sees the Main Landing Gear integrated under the wing of the aircraft, while the LG bay is made up of several different parts. ITEMB intends to explore a different scenario, based on an integrated landing system in the aircraft fuselage, concieving a new configuration of the carriage trolley bay where the cart is to be integrated. The new approach is based on the use of composite materials. This kind of materials allow a reduction of weight and cost of the structural component. There is only one way to achieve this goal: not following anymore the traditional design paradigms for metals and begin to “think in composite”. ITEMB’s ambition is, therefore, to create a single composite structure of the carriage bay that reduces assembly costs by optimizing and integrating the entire design, construction and maintenance of the aircraft.
Funding Programme
MClean Sky 2.
Start: Jan 9, 2016
End: Aug 31, 2018
Project Leader