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InNOVAtive MAINTenance

The objective of the NOVA MAINT project is to carry out industrial research and experimental development activities in order to provide process innovation in the management of railway maintenance of pantographs, on an integrated basis, through the joint use of:

  • Self-Diagnostics of the Pantograph, subject to maintenance activities, through appropriate component sensors, powered by energy harvesting application, and capable of transmitting the "status" of the Device Under Test (DUT) to the Management Platform of Maintenance 4.0, to determine when it is most appropriate to carry out the maintenance intervention, both through condition based and predictive based approaches, the subject of research and experimentation activities.
  • Management platform for the entire Maintenance 4.0 cycle, capable of implementing the integration of diagnostic functions with those of intervention management.
  • Augmented Reality Maintenance System, capable of supporting maintenance interventions so that they can be carried out in an effective, efficient and safe manner for railway operations and for operators.

Funding Programme

Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy - Bando “Fabbrica intelligente, Agrifood e Scienze della vita” - D.M. 5 marzo 2018


Start: 02/01/2020

End: 31/12/2022


Project Leader

Protom Group spa





