The project aims to:
- Define the FCA IIoT Open Platform (OP) architecture, also evaluating horizontal and vertical platforms.
- Define the IIoT node model to include resources that do not have them in the OP.
- Prepare App demonstrators on the Cloud: ○ Digital Twin (approach based on the comparison between model and actual data) for Asset and Performance Management on the Logistics process: ○ Augmented/mixed reality for quality control on the assembly line ○ Analytics for production stops and micro-stops.
- Transfer to the plants the Industry 4.0 skills necessary to validate the optimization ideas in the Digital Workshops envisaged by the FCA DM.
Funding Programme
MUR - Avviso per la presentazione di progetti di ricerca industriale e sviluppo sperimentale nelle 12 Aree di specializzazione individuate dal PNR 2015-2020 - ASSE 2 - Azione II.2 – Cluster Fabbrica Intelligente.
Start: Oct 1, 2018
End: Sep 30, 2021
Project Leader