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Advanced and eco-sustainable materials for applications in multifunctional, intelligent, reconfigurable Smart Operating Shelters

The final objective of the project is the development of advanced and eco-sustainable materials for multifunctional, intelligent, reconfigurable structural panels intended for mobile health shelters, or for transportable hybrid surgical hospital structures, ready for use in a few hours of arrival, without the need of specialized personnel for assembly, capable of remote consultations via satellite also using intra-operative CT images.

The structures are designed to guarantee continuity of operation to hospitals in cases of restructuring, planned or not, of operating blocks, in cases of temporary unavailability of operating theaters and in emergencies. The use of the service can also be exploited by hospitals also for temporary services, for the reduction of waiting lists and for the structural or territorial expansion of the catchment area. The continuity of the surgery service will allow the healthcare system and the individual hospital structures to eliminate mobility costs while also maintaining the DRGs.

Funding Programme

POR Puglia FESR - FSE 2014-2020. Fondo Europeo Sviluppo Regionale. Azione 1.6 – Avviso pubblico “InnoNetwork” approvato con A.D. n.498 del 19/12/2016 e A.D. n.16 del 23/02/2017


Start: Jun 19, 2018

End: Mar 18, 2021


Project Leader





Protom activity

The areas of Protom's involvement in the project concerned the technological components relating to the sensor and control areas with a view to developing an automated management demonstrator of the plants present both in terms of effectiveness and optimization of their operation and safety. Furthermore, the experience in the field of VR systems was used, in agreement with the project partners, for the study and implementation of VR-based applications aimed at enhancing the entire project both in terms of communication of the same and its value-added components and as training systems for the operators of the structure..

Accomplished results

The demonstrator of the automatic plant management system and a VR representation system of the shelter and its application potential were created. Serious games were also created for the training of operators involved in the functioning of the structure and in support of the operating room and an electronic file demonstrator with a specific pre-triage component for the intra-hospital management of the problem linked to Covid 19.

Il Partenariato

