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Development of smart solutions for the management of mobility in urban areas

The goal of VIRGILIO is the ambition to create an ecosystem of innovative services for the new generation of «Digital Citizens» for the city of Lioni. VIRGILIO makes the "Digital Citizen" and the "Digital Municipality" the center of gravity of the experience daily life within a territory, enriching the physical spaces with services, intelligence and digital content the citizen is guided in this space with contextualized information, and collaborative. .

Funding Programme

POR CAMPANIA FESR 2014 – 2020 - Asse Prioritario 1 “Ricerca e Innovazione” Avviso per la selezione della Piattaforma tecnologica di filiera “Mobilità Sostenibile e Sicura”


Start: Dec 2012

End: Jun 2024


Project Leader

System Management SPA




Attività Protom

Protom involved in definitions of Data management and modeling of Control Room site for the Public Auhtorities
Develop of middle-ware of data fusione and mining to provide the “Awareness Map” of the area of town of Lioni.

Risultati raggiunti

Attività completate


