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Culture Game

Cultural Videogame National Programme

The project proposal arises the objective of creating an industrial research path aimed at obtaining new knowledge and skills in the field of applied games, gaming platforms and/or interactive technologies designed for a purpose that is not strictly recreational, for the enhancement of Italian and international cultural heritage (tangible and intangible).
The project aims to achieve:
1. - An interactive game aimed at disseminating the historical-archaeological heritage, taking inspiration from museum collections (of the National Archaeological Museum of Naples primarily) to evoke in suggestive ways the culture of antiquity and the reconstruction of civilizations and scenarios of the past ( AcquaMANN);
2. – interactive games aimed at addressing the themes and challenges of scientific dissemination, with attention to the involvement of users in challenges and processes capable of making the approach to problems concrete and compelling through the scientific method and the setting of playful choices responding to specific Methodological scenarios (20,000 sounds under the sea Darwin & Dohrn;
3 - An interactive game that allows users to be guided to discover the ecology of aquatic environments, focusing attention on a microscopic component, phytoplankton, which is fundamental for the functioning and balance of these ecosystems, the most widespread on our planet (Phytoadventure and Ecobab) .

Funding Programme

Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca - Avviso per la presentazione di progetti di ricerca industriale e sviluppo sperimentale nelle 12 Aree di specializzazione individuate dal PNR 2015-2020: Area di specializzazione CULTURAL HERITAGE.


Start: July 2021

End: December 2023

End: 28 months


Project Leader

ETT S.p.A.




Protom activity

Creation of an applied Game (AcquaMAN) as a tool for the dissemination of contents even for non-expert users in the museum sector. The context is that of the MANN Museum in Naples in which numerous testimonies of ancient civilizations are preserved. AcquaMAN represents a virtual tour inside the Museum through water (marine and otherwise), covering the different historical eras. The game is divided into an online/off site component and an on site component. The off-site approach is completed by a visit to the museum, where the reward mechanism is triggered to overcome new and more exciting levels of the game. Rewards are unlocked through integration with beacon technology. The game can be downloaded from the internet website ( and from the internet store (AppleStore/Play Store), it can be used on both Android and Apple systems (smartphone/tablet) and it’s a platform runner. The player travels through different scenarios, each for a historical era, grouping together a whole series of sections present in the museum today (Magna Graecia, Prehistory, Egypt, Imperial Rome, Pompeii). Water is the central element that gradually, as the player overcomes the levels, allows initially deserted areas to be irrigated. The once deserted world is populated and flourishing again thanks to Water.
The initial target audience envisaged by the project is represented by children aged between 8 and 13, but the ongoing experimentation is demonstrating that a wider audience is also interested in the game. The first online test involved a sample of elementary and middle school children, while the second testing is also involving high school children. The Game is connected to a guided tour through the administration of simple information pills, useful pills for passing quizzes which then allow you to overcome levels, acquiring superpowers.
The knowledge useful for passing the quizzes is all contained within the informative pills offered to the player. .

Achieved results

Passed the Beta Test phases with the involvement of an even larger sample of users than expected, involving age groups higher than the initial target. Dissemination of the project in public events in the sector as:

  • CHNT Conference in Vienna (Novembre 2023) centred on the AquaMANN game;
  • Genova Science Festival (which will take place in October 2023), an initial selection phase has been passed;
  • participation in Lucca Comics in November 2023 .


